[1983] Hkcfi 52 (29 April 1983)
[1983] HKCFI 52
Hong Kong Court of First Instance
Hong Kong
29 Apr 1983
Patrick Francis Gahan, Duncan Ferguson, and Charles Henry Cox,-Appellants; Marie Gabriel Lafitte,-Respondent
[1842] EngR 862; (1842) 13 ER 155; (1841-42) 3 Moore PC 382
Privy Council
United Kingdom
circa 1841
Augustin Gadioux St Louis, and Pierre Benjamin Dumoulin,-Appellants; Antoine Gadioux St Louis, Frederick Bettez and Dame Marie Gadioux St Louis his Wife, Antoine Gadioux St Louis and Josephte Gadioux St Louis,-Respondents
[1841] EngR 390; 13 ER 161; (1841) 3 Moore PC 398
Privy Council
United Kingdom
circa 1841