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Rev Walker king v The Rev William Frederick Baylan   flag 

[1831] EngR 277; 109 ER 969; (1831) 1 B & Ad 761
Kings Bench
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Gibson v Clark [1819] EngR 195; 37 ER 336; (1819) 1 Jac & W 159 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1819 CommonLII flag 7
Countess Dowager of Dartmouth , Executrix and Executors of George Earl of Dartmouth, v Roberts [1812] EngR 522; 16 East 334; 104 ER 1116 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1812 CommonLII flag 16
Bealey v Shaw [1805] EngR 60; 102 ER 1266; (1805) 6 East 208 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1805 CommonLII flag 21
Read v Ann Brookman [1789] EngR 2447; 3 TR 151; 100 ER 504 United Kingdom circa 1789 CommonLII flag 12
Attorney-General v Parker [1747] EngR 184; 1 Ves Sen 43; 27 ER 879; 3 Atk 577 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1747 CommonLII flag 12
2 Inst 281 2 Inst 281 Italy flag 4
14 CAR 2 Australia - Commonwealth flag 862
786 King 21 786 King 21 United States - Texas flag 3
1 Show PC 1 1 Show PC 1 United Kingdom flag 2
King v Baylay 1 B & Ad 76 Kings Bench United Kingdom flag 2
2 TR 664 2 TR 664 2
Ai-tmney-Gmeral v DurRnnz (1882) 46 LT 193 United Kingdom circa 1882 flag 2

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