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President and College of Commonalty of the Faculty of Physic in London v Harrison   flag 

[1829] EngR 495; 109 ER 196; (1829) 9 B & C 524
Kings Bench
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Tyte v Glode , Sheriff of Middlesex [1797] EngR 446; 7 TR 267; 101 ER 968 United Kingdom circa 1797 CommonLII flag 7
Statute of Westminster 1607 4 Jac 1 Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 181
Show Ebsi & Michaelmas Term 35 CAR 2 Australia - Commonwealth WorldLII flag 155
9 B & C 528 9 B & C 528 Kings Bench United Kingdom flag 1
Case2 Belcher and His Wsfeagainst Hudson Hilary Term 6 Jac 1 Court of Chancery United Kingdom WorldLII flag 76

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