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Constable v Noble   flag  4

[1810] EngR 286; 2 Taunt 403; 127 ER 1134
Court of Common Pleas
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Van Baggen v Baines [1854] EngR 219; 156 ER 223; (1854) 9 Exch 523 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1854 CommonLII flag 3
Macdougall,-Appellant; Purrier,-Respondent [1830] EngR 126; 6 ER 678; (1830) 2 Dow & Cl 135 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1830 CommonLII flag
Sea Assurance Co of Scotland,-Appellants; Gavin ,-Respondents [1830] EngR 187; 6 ER 676; (1830) 2 Dow & Cl 129 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1830 CommonLII flag 1
Brown v Tayleur [1835] EngR 983; 111 ER 777; (1835) 4 A & E 241 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1835 CommonLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Brown v Tayleur [1835] EngR 983; 111 ER 777; (1835) 4 A & E 241 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1835 CommonLII flag
21 Noble 2 21 Noble 2 United States - New York flag 3

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