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Bateson v Green   flag  12

[1793] EngR 1582; 5 TR 411; 101 ER 230
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Hall v Byron [1877] UKLawRpCh 11; 4 Ch D 667 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 15 Jan 1877 CommonLII flag 8
Duke of Buccleuch v Edward Thomas Wakefield et e contra [1870] UKLawRpHL 3; 4 HL 377; 4 Eq 613 United Kingdom 25 Mar 1870 CommonLII flag 16
Wakefield v Duke of Buccleuch [1867] UKLawRpEq 87 United Kingdom 8 May 1867 CommonLII flag
Blackett v Bradley [1862] EngR 368; 1 B & S 940; 121 ER 963 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1862 CommonLII flag 7
Most Honourable the Marquis of Salisbury,-Plaintiff in Error; Robertson Gladstone,-Defendant in Error [1861] EngR 842; 9 HLCas 692; 11 ER 900; 17 WR 7 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1861 CommonLII flag 8
William Hilton v The Right Honourable Granville, Earl Granville [1845] EngR 476; (1845) 5 QB 701; 114 ER 1414 United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag
Potter versus North [1845] EngR 193; 85 ER 510; (1845) 1 Saund 350 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag 2
Arlett v Ellis, Shefford, [1827] EngR 6; 7 B & C 346; 108 ER 752 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1827 CommonLII flag 19
Weeks v A Sparke, W Sparke, and W Sparke, Jun [1813] EngR 463; 1 M & S 679; 105 ER 253 King's Bench United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1813 CommonLII flag 7
Mouldsdale v Birchall [1746] EngR 373; 96 ER 483; (1746-1779) 2 Black W 820 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1746 CommonLII flag
Atkinson v Teasdale [1746] EngR 23; 96 ER 482; (1746-1779) 2 Black W 817 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1746 CommonLII flag
George Rundle and William Griffiths Trustees of the Estate of John Savage Deceased v The Delaware and Raritan Canal Co 55 US 80; 14 L Ed 335 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Dec 1852 WorldLII flag 1

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Robertsan v Havfopp (1889) 43 Ch D 5011 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1889 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
12 QB 753 12 QB 753 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
Ball v Byron 1877 4 Ch D 675 Court of Chancery United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 3
George Rundle and William Griffiths Trustees of the Estate of John Savage Deceased v The Delaware and Raritan Canal Co 55 US 80; 14 L Ed 335 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Dec 1852 WorldLII flag 1
565 Palm 211 565 Palm 211 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 2
2 Inst 85 2 Inst 85 Italy flag 11
4 Rep 32 4 REP 32 Australia flag 4
640 ZR 4 640 ZR 4 Zambia flag 2

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