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Waller and Petty v Sands   flag 

[1792] EngR 2732
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
348 Co Lit 22220 348 Co Lit 22220 United Kingdom flag 2
202 Hob 246 202 Hob 246 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 2
182 Lat 570 182 Lat 570 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 2
167 SP 084 167 SP 084 3
79 Er 839 79 ER 839 United Kingdom CommonLII flag 2
46 Dyer 90 46 Dyer 90 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 3
8 Inst 72; 3 Leon 28; 74 Cro Eliz 125 8 Inst 72; 3 Leon 28; 74 Cro Eliz 125 King's Bench Italy flag 3
3 Hale Cr Prec 70 3 Hale Cr Prec 70 United Kingdom flag 3
Shefield v Lord Orrery 3 Atk 283; 2 New Cas Eq 159 Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 6

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