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Same v Martin   flag  5

[1788] EngR 241; 2 TR 712; 100 ER 383
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Crowder v P Long, Gent, one, &c [1828] EngR 855; 108 ER 1164; (1828) 8 B & C 598 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1828 CommonLII flag 1
Sanderson v Barker and Martin [1746] EngR 457; 96 ER 490; (1746-1779) 2 Black W 832 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1746 CommonLII flag
Newton v Blunt [1846] EngR 1139; 136 ER 270; (1846) 3 CB 675 United Kingdom circa 1846 CommonLII flag 1
Bagge v Whitehead [1892] UKLawRpKQB 88; (1892) 2 QB 355 United Kingdom 2 May 1892 CommonLII flag 4
Corder v The Universal Gas-Light Co [1848] EngR 958; 136 ER 1365; (1848) 6 CB 554 United Kingdom circa 1848 CommonLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Corder v The Universal Gas-Light Co [1848] EngR 958; 136 ER 1365; (1848) 6 CB 554 United Kingdom circa 1848 CommonLII flag

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