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Cruse ' v Barley and Banson   flag  2

[1727] EngR 5; 24 ER 952; (1727) 3 PWms 19
King's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Browne v Browne [1857] EngR 703; 65 ER 783; (1856-1857) 3 Sm & G 568 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1856 CommonLII flag 4
Butler and Baker's Case [1591] EngR 2; 76 ER 684; (1591) 3 Co Rep 25 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1591 CommonLII flag 12

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
1853 3 De GM & Gby 1951 1853 3 De GM & GBy 1951 United Kingdom circa 1951 flag 1
Ashby v Palmer [1816] EngR 394; 1 Mer 296; 35 ER 684 UK United Kingdom circa 1816 CommonLII flag 4
Spink v Lewis [1791] EngR 1455; 3 Bro CC 355; 29 ER 580 United Kingdom circa 1791 CommonLII flag 6
Robinson, surviving Assignee of William Stuart, a Bankrupt, Administrator and personal Representative of Mary Stuart, his late Wife, which Mary Stuart was one of the next of Kin of Robert Bradley, deceased, Plaintiffs; James Taylor, Richard Guest, William Stuart, Thomas Marsh, the Elder, Thomas Marsh the Younger, Mary Wilkinson, and Alice Howard, Defendants [1789] EngR 1857; 2 Bro CC 589; 29 ER 323 United Kingdom circa 1789 CommonLII flag 11
Fletcher v Ashburner [1779] EngR 98; 28 ER 1259; (1779) 1 Bro CC 497 United Kingdom circa 1779 CommonLII flag 21
Clobberie's Case [1726] EngR 325; 2 Vent 342; 86 ER 476 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1726 CommonLII flag 16
277 Dyer 59 277 Dyer 59 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
Wilson v Major 11 Ves 205 United Kingdom flag 5
Williams v Coade 10 Ves 500 United Kingdom flag 16
Sheddon v Goodrich 8 Ves 481 United Kingdom flag 23
Ripley v Waterworth 7 Ves 425 United Kingdom flag 12
Brown v Bigg 7 Ves 279 United Kingdom flag 17
Kennel1 v Abbott 4 Ves 802 United Kingdom flag 12
Smith v Clm2im 4 Mad 484 India flag 7
2 Eq Ab 110 2 Eq Ab 110 United Kingdom flag 4
Flanagan v Flanagan, (cited) 1 Bro CC 513 United Kingdom flag 5
1 Bro CC 503 1 Bro CC 503 United Kingdom flag 23
Fletcher v Ashburner 1 Bro CC 501 United Kingdom flag 2
Collins v Wakeman 2 Ves J

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