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Whitchcoke & Fox   flag  7

[1675] EngR 1775; (1675) 1 Rolle 389; 81 ER 556; 3 Bulst 199
King's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
7 Eliz Dyer, 240 Forrest, Chance 3 Inst 204; 1 Inst 115; [1220] EngR 607 Italy 1 Jan 1220 CommonLII flag 5
39 H 6, 41 2 CR 242 International circa 1220 WorldLII flag 7
7 Eliz, Dyer, 245 London, Replevin, Jour 9 Co 27 2 Inst 282 Italy circa 1220 WorldLII flag 17
9 Eliz Dyer, 261 11 Co 27, Pigot's case 44 E 3, 41 Faiths, Rasure Godb 1 Leon 199; 166 JBridg 102 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1220 WorldLII flag
39 H 6, 41 2 CR 242 International WorldLII flag 7
9 Eliz Dyer, 261 11 Co 27, Pigot's case 44 E 3, 41 Faiths, Rasure Godb 1 Leon 199; 166 JBridg 102 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom WorldLII flag 6
7 Eliz, Dyer, 245 London, Replevin, Jour 9 Co 27 2 Inst 282 Italy WorldLII flag 17

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