His Majesty's Attorney-General,-Appellant; William Hope, James Wood and James Brierly,-Respondents
[1834] EngR 146; 2 Cl & F 84; 6 ER 1087
House of Lords
United Kingdom
circa 1834
Jose Ventura De Aguirre Solarte and two others, Assignees of Joaquim Ruez De Alzedo, a Bankrupt,-Plaintiffs; John Archdale Palmer and William Bouch,-Defendants
[1834] EngR 187; 6 ER 1091; (1834) 2 Cl & F 93
House of Lords
United Kingdom
circa 1834
Matthias Prime Lucas, William Thompson, Phineas Davis, Joseph Bull, Thomas Lingham, and Charles Eicke,-Plaintiffs (in Error); Christopher Nockells,-Defendant (in Error)
[1833] EngR 174
United Kingdom
circa 1833
Thomas Cadell,-Appellant; A Palmer, C C Edridge, H Bengough, H Ricketts, the younger, R Ricketts, the younger, W I Okely, and A E, his Wife, and A Ricketts, the younger, W P Lunell, J E Lunell, G Lunell, S Bengough, and G Bengough,-Respondents
[1833] EngR 274
United Kingdom
circa 1833