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Matching Law Journal Articles: 48

Journal Article Title †  Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"The tetrahedral shape of the Lng chain: a discourse on competing claims" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 115 Ajayi, Konyin; Opasanya, Morenike Olagbaju Seye circa 2007
"Turkish law and Uncitral's work on the assignment of receivables with a special reference to the assignment of future receivables" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 45 Akseli, Orkun circa 2007
"Anarchic Law: A review of Proximity, Levinas, and the soul of law" (2007) 1 Law & Humanities 248 Law & Humanities United Kingdom circa 2007 flag
"The potential impact of the Information Commissioner's decisions on the Fsa's risk-based approach" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 495 Anderson, Karen; Condliffe, Anna circa 2007
"Providers and distributors: responsibilities in relation to retail structured products" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 413 Benjamin, Joanna; Rouch, David circa 2007
"Making a success of Principles-based regulation" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 191 Black, Julia; Hopper, Martyn; Band, Christa circa 2007 1
"Global financial law" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 395 Blair, William circa 2007
"Pledging shares in German Ltd liability companies" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 25 Bruhns, Malte L circa 2007
"Recharacterisation: uncertainty and insecurity?" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 405 Cain, Brian circa 2007
"New Oecd Sector Understanding on Export Credits for Civil Aircraft" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 511 Chan, Marisa circa 2007
"Spitzer establishes commission to revamp New York regulation" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 305 Cohen, Paul; Papalaskaris, Angela M circa 2007
"Insider dealing in the City" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 307 Cole, Margaret circa 2007
"Capitalism, law, the state and the City" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 479 Connolly, Bernard circa 2007
"The Law in Shakespeare" (2007) 1 Law & Humanities 133 Constance Jordan and Karen Cunningham United Kingdom circa 2007 flag
"Intermediated securities: reflections on a new concept in French financial markets law" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 435 Drummond, France circa 2007
"The Shareholder Rights Directive and the challenge of re-enfranchising beneficial shareholders" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 11 Hainsworth, Antony circa 2007
"Us-style litigation and the spread of the class action" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 135 Heaps, John; Jackson, Simon circa 2007
"Limiting the regulation of Islamic finance: lessons from Dubai" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 213 Henderson, Andrew circa 2007
"Credit derivatives and operational risk, or why a credit default swap is not like a bond" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 31 Henderson, Schuyler K circa 2007
"Introduction of real estate investment trusts in Germany" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 145 Hofert, Sebastian; MÖLler, Christian circa 2007
"Recent developments in the fight against fraud and financial crime" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 293 Howard, Joanna; Hudson, Daniel; Kiri, Nikunj circa 2007
"Transferability in syndicated lending" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 21 Hughes, Martin circa 2007
"The National Audit Office Report on the Financial Services Authority" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 493 Humpherson, ED; Hall, Kathy; Langham, Peter circa 2007
"Disclosure in distressed debt trading: practice makes perfect?" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 423 Hyde, Mark; Curtis, Stephen circa 2007
"Terrorists and Equivocators" (2007) 1 Law & Humanities 111 Ian Ward United Kingdom circa 2007 flag
"Banks and money laundering - certainty at last?" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 427 Isaacs, Michael; Wilding, Ric circa 2007
"Legal and economic aspects of best execution in the context of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 313 Iseli, Thomas; Wagner, Alexander F; Weber, Rolf H circa 2007
"The implementation of MiFID in Germany and the abolition of section 37d of the Securities Trading Act" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 141 Jordans, Roman circa 2007
"Implementation of the Third Money Laundering Directive - an overview" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 207 Katz, Etay circa 2007
"MiFID - practical issues for implementation" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 401 Katz, Etay circa 2007
"Eu court clarifies legal privilege in European investigations" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 507 Lawrence, Jon; Whiteford, Elaine circa 2007
"Court of Appeal upholds effectiveness of standard information memorandum disclaimer wording" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 499 Leibu, Elliot circa 2007
"'With all the Impressiveness and Substantial Value of Truth': Notable Trials and Criminal Justice, 1750—1930" (2007) 1 Law & Humanities 57 Lindsay Farmer United Kingdom circa 2007 flag
"Consumer dispute resolution in the Uk financial sector: the experience of the Financial Ombudsman Service" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 515 MacNEIL, Iain circa 2007
"The Culture of Equity in Early Modern England" (2007) 1 Law & Humanities 140 Mark Fortier United Kingdom circa 2007 flag
"Duplicate officeholders - too many cooks spoil the broth?" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 129 Marshall, Jennifer; Waldburg, Oliver; Herrod, Nick circa 2007
"Capital adequacy requirements for Israeli banks: the impact of the Basel Ii Accord" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 409 Mayer, Russell D circa 2007
"Legal risk, law and justice in a globalising financial market" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 283 McCORMICK, Roger circa 2007
"Making Foreign Investment Safe" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 241 McCormick, Roger circa 2007
"Basel 2: the implementation in the Uk of its capital requirements for banks" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 327 McKNIGHT, Andrew circa 2007
"Sovereignty before the Law: Agamben and the Roman Republic" (2007) 1 Law & Humanities 31 Michèle Lowrie United Kingdom circa 2007 flag
"The mandatory provisions of the Eu Takeover Bid Directive and their deficiencies" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 525 Papadopoulos, Thomas circa 2007
"Druids and Common Lawyers: Notes on the Pythagoras Complex and Legal Education" (2007) 1 Law & Humanities 1 Peter Goodrich United Kingdom circa 2007 flag
"International factoring and conflicts of law" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 7 Salinger, Freddy circa 2007
"The Catechism of the Citizen: Politics, Law and Religion In, After, With and Against Rousseau" (2007) 1 Law & Humanities 79 Simon Critchley United Kingdom circa 2007 flag
"Obituary" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 535 Sykes, Richard circa 2007
"Calls for climate change reporting prompt companies to evaluate disclosure policies" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 503 Thompson, James A; Knight, Peter R; Booher, Martin T; Freeman, Paul C circa 2007
"Ep 2: the revised Equator Principles: why hard-nosed bankers are embracing soft law principles" (2007) 1 Law and Financial Markets Review 85 Watchman, Paul Q; Delfino, Angela; Addison, Juliette circa 2007

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