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Matching Law Journal Articles: 49

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Taxonomies of Inequality: Lawyers, Maps, and the Challenge of Hybridity" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 5 Emily Grabham United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Introduction: Harmony or Dissonance? Copyright Concepts and Musical Practice" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 25 Anne Barron United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Digital Sampling and Cultural Inequality" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 53 David Hesmondhalgh United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Copyright, the Work and Phonographic Orality in Music" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 77 Jason Toynbee United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Copyright Law's Musical Work" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 101 Anne Barron United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"RIA to RAE : Aporia and Amour Propre in the Legal Academy" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 129 Peter Goodrich United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Demystifying the Mystery of Capital: Land Tenure and Poverty in Africa and the Caribbean" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 145 Ambreena Manji United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Cops, Teachers, Counselors: Stories from the Front Lines of Public Service" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 147 Simon Halliday United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: The Jurisprudence of Emergency: Colonialism and the Rule of Law" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 149 Ujjwal Kumar Singh United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Sexuality Repositioned: Diversity and the Law and, Sexualities: Personal lives and Social Policy" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 151 Susie Scott United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Doing Research with Children and Young People and The Reality of Research with Children and Young People" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 153 Gary Clapton United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review:Introduction to Critical Legal Theory" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 154 Ben Golder United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Beyond Criminology: Taking Harm Seriously" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 157 Gordon Hughes United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Difference in the House of Lords" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 163 Erika Rackley United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Male Rape and the Careful Construction of the Male Victim" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 187 Ruth Graham United Kingdom circa 2006 flag 1
"Private Legal Orders: Professional Markets and the Commodification of Financial Governance" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 209 James W Williams United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"The Insanities of Reproduction: Medico-legal Knowledge and the Development of Infanticide Law" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 237 Kirsten Johnson Kramar and William D Watson United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Narrating Political Reconciliation: Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 257 Claire Moon United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Surveying Deviance, Figuring Disgust: Locating the Homocriminal Body in Time and Space" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 277 Derek Dalton United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Gender Politics: Citizenship, Activism and Sexual Diversity, Erotic Justice: Law and the New Politics of Postcolonialism" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 301 Carl F Stychin United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Environmental Assessment: The Regulation of Decision Making" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 304 Chris Himsworth United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Judicial Review and Compliance with Administrative Law" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 305 Byron Sheldrick United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Definition in Criminal Law" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 306 Victor Tadros United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"'Other Inhumane Acts': Forced Marriage, Girl Soldiers and the Special Court for Sierra Leone" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 315 Augustine S J Park United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"'Setting 'Em Up': Personal, Familial and Institutional Grooming in the Sexual Abuse of Children" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 339 Anne-Marie Mcalinden United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"The Ordeal of St Sepulchre'S: A Campaign Against Organized Prostitution in Early 19th-Century London and the Emergence of Lower Middle-class Consciousness" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 363 Antony E Simpson United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Homophobic Violence, Cultural Essentialism and Shifting Sexual Identities" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 389 Stephen Tomsen United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Cross-cultural Brokering in the Legal, Institutional and Normative Domains: Intercultural Mediators Managing Immigration in Catalonia" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 409 Jordi Agustí-Panareda United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"The Acceptable Face of Intervention: Intellectual Property in Posnerian Law and Economics" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 435 David Campbell and Sol Picciotto United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Law as a Social System" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 453 Peer Zumbansen United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Challenging Diversity: Rethinking Equality and the Value of Difference" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 461 Mónica Judith Sánchez Flores United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: State Crime: Governments, Violence and Corruption" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 464 Pete Fussey United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Trading the Genome: Investigating the Commodification of Bio-information" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 465 Gerard Porter United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"'I'm Not One of Those Women's Libber Type People but ': Gender, Class and Professional Power within the Third Branch of the English Legal Profession" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 475 Andrew Francis United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Genetics, Fathers and Families: Exploring the Implications of Changing the Law in Favour of Identifying Sperm Donors" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 494 Catherine Donovan United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"'Dogs Are "Registered", People Shouldn't Be': Legal Consciousness and Lesbian and Gay Rights" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 511 Rosie Harding United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Unicorn among the Cedars: On the Possibility of Effective 'Smart Regulation' of the Globalized Shipping Industry" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 534 Michael Bloor, Ramesh Datta, Yakov Gilinskiy, and Tom Horlick-Jones United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"The Scene of the Crime: Inventing the Serial Killer" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 552 Alexandra Warwick United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Law and Knowledge/Law as Knowledge" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 570 David Nelken United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Law's Autonomy in Action: Anthropology and History in Court" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 574 Robert van Krieken United Kingdom circa 2006 flag 1
"The Sociology of Law as a 'Means against Struggle Itself'" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 591 Mariana Valverde United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Getting at Law's Boundaries" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 598 David Nelken United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Law and Sacrifice: Towards a Post-Apartheid Theory of Law" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 605 Joseph William Singer United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book review: "Law's Moving Image"" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 607 Biber, K United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: War and Genocide: Organized Killing in Modern Society " (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 609 Carlo G Pinnetti United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Book Review: Law, Anthropology, and the Constitution of the Social: Making Persons and Things" (2006) 15 Social & Legal Studies 611 Valerie Kerruish United Kingdom circa 2006 flag
"Introduction: Harmony or Dissonance? Copyright Concepts and Musical Practice" (2006) 15 Social and Legal Studies 26 Anne Barron United Kingdom circa 2006 Sage flag
"Copyright, the Work and Phonographic Orality in Music" (2006) 15 Social and Legal Studies 78 Jason Toynbee United Kingdom circa 2006 Sage flag
"s Musical Work" (2006) 15 Social and Legal Studies 101 Law United Kingdom circa 2006 Sage flag 1

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