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"The Human Right to Environment in India: Legal Precepts and Judicial Doctrines in Critical Legal Perspective" [2000] AsPacJlEnvLaw 11   flag 

(2000) 5 (2) Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law 113
Nomani, Zafar Mahfooz
Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
of Human Rights Act

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Dr K C Malhotra v Union of India [1999] AIR MP 96 India - Madhya Pradesh circa 1999 flag 1
Centre for Environmental Law WWF v Union of India [1999] AIR SC 354 Supreme Court of India India circa 1999 flag 1
SalU1 Sociel"j for Welfare of the Aged Poor Homeless v Union of India [1999] AIR All 87 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1999 flag 1
"Social Rights and Constitutional Law" [1999] Public Law 104 Public Law United Kingdom circa 1999 Westlaw flag 5
Md Noorur Rehman Baerkati v West Bengal [1999] AIR Cal 15 India - West Bengal circa 1999 flag 1
[1999] Air Pat 3 [1999] AIR Pat 3 India - Bihar circa 1999 flag 1
A P Pollution Control Board v M v Nayudu [1999] AIR SC 812 Supreme Court of India India circa 1999 flag 2
ResUlem Welfare Association, Noida v Delhi [1999] AIR SC 308 Supreme Court of India India circa 1999 flag 1
Nagarhole Budahkactu Hakku Sthapna Samirhi v Knmatak4 [1997] AIR Kant 87 India - Karnataka circa 1997 flag 1
Jagannath v Union of India (1997) 2 SCC 87 circa 1997 7
Gopi Aqua Fanns v Union of India (1997) 6 SCC 577 circa 1997 1
MC Mehta v Union of India (1997) 2 SCC 411 circa 1997 3
Supreme Coult Monitoring Committee v Mussorie Dehradun Development Authoril)' (1997) 11 SCC 605 circa 1997 3
Mehta (Badkhal & Surajkund Lakes Matter) v Union of India (1997) 3 SCC 715 circa 1997 7
Drblwadehra v Union of India [1996] INSC 352; (1996) 2 SCC 594; 1996 2 SCALE 514; 1996 3 JT 38 Supreme Court of India India 1 Mar 1996 LIIofIndia flag 3
MC Mehta v Union of India (1996) 4 SCC 351 circa 1996 7
v S Damodran D Nair v Stare of Kerala [1996] AIR Ker 8 India - Kerala circa 1996 flag 1
Pradeep Krishna v Union of India [1996] AIR SC 2040 Supreme Court of India India circa 1996 flag 1
On Biranjana Religious Society v The State [1996] CWN 57 India circa 1996 flag 1
H LHansariaJ (unreponed) B1 Indian Council for EnviroLegal Action v Union of India (1996) 5 SCC 2B1 circa 1996 1
Indian Council for EnviroLegalACnon v Union of India [1996] AIR SC 1446 Supreme Court of India India circa 1996 flag 1
"Institutionalising Ecologically Sustainable Development: The Roles of National State and Local Governments in Translating Grand Strategy into Action" (1995) 31 Willamette Law Review 323 Willamette Law Review United States circa 1995 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Sushila Saw Mills v Slate of Orissa [1995] SCC 615 circa 1995 1
"Integrating Environmental Values into the European Convention ofHurnan Rights" (1995) 89 American Journal of International Law 263 American Journal of International Law United States circa 1995 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 2
Consumer Education and Research Center v Union of India [1995] AIR SC 922 Supreme Court of India India circa 1995 flag 1
[1994] Air MP 48 [1994] AIR MP 48 India - Madhya Pradesh circa 1994 flag 1
[1994] Air SC 721 [1994] AIR SC 721 Supreme Court of India India circa 1994 flag 1
[1994] Air Ker 308 [1994] AIR Ker 308 India - Kerala circa 1994 flag 1
People United for Better Living in Calcutta †Public and Another v State of West Bengal and Others [1993] AIR Cal 215 India - West Bengal circa 1993 flag 2
Stayavani v A P PoUution Control Boord [1993] AIR AP 257 India - Andhra Pradesh circa 1993 flag 1
General Publico/Saproan Valley v Slate of HP [1993] AIR HP 52 India - Himachal Pradesh circa 1993 flag 1
D D Viyas v GhaVabad Development Authority [1993] AIR All 57 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1993 flag 1
[1992] Air Kant 57 [1992] AIR Kant 57 India - Karnataka circa 1992 flag 1
R R Singh v Bmar [1992] AIR Pat 86 India - Bihar circa 1992 flag 1
Tarun Bham! Sing/! v Union of India [1992] AIR SC 514 Supreme Court of India India circa 1992 flag 1
"National Sovereignty and Global Environmental Responsibility: Can the Tension be reconciled for the Conservation of Biological Divernity" (1992) 33 Harvard International Law Journal 33 Harvard International Law Journal United States circa 1992 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Ajeet Mehla v Rajastlian [1990] Cr LJ 1596 India circa 1990 flag 1
"Constitution and the Environment" [1990] Cochin University Law Review 87 Cochin University Law Review India circa 1990 flag 1
[1989] Air SC 1 [1989] AIR SC 1 Supreme Court of India India circa 1989 flag 1
M C Meh!a v Union of India [1988] AIR SC 1115 Supreme Court of India India circa 1988 flag 1
M C Mebta v Union of India [1988] AIR SC 1037 Supreme Court of India India circa 1988 flag 1
Contrast Kinkri Devi v Himachal Pradesh [1988] AIR HP 4 India - Himachal Pradesh circa 1988 flag 1
ShivaRao Sbanuzram Wagle v Union of India [1988] AIR SC 952 Supreme Court of India India circa 1988 flag 1
1988 1 Air SC 1037 1988 1 AIR SC 1037 Supreme Court of India India circa 1988 flag 1
Sachidanand Pandey v Slate of West Bengal [1987] AIR SC 1109 Supreme Court of India India circa 1987 flag 1
Cbaitanya Puverising Industry v Kamataka State PoUution Control Board [1987] AIR Kant 82 India - Karnataka circa 1987 flag 1
[1987] Air SC 1086 [1987] AIR SC 1086 Supreme Court of India India circa 1987 flag 1
M C Mehlav Union of India [1987] AIR SC 982 Supreme Court of India India circa 1987 flag 1
M K Sbanna v Bbaral Electronics [1987] AIR SC 1792 Supreme Court of India India circa 1987 flag 1
[1986] Air Guj 49 [1986] AIR Guj 49 India - Gujarat circa 1986 flag 1
"Social ecology and Environmental Law" (1984) 1 Environmental and Planning Law Journal 233 Environmental and Planning Law Journal Australia circa 1984 Legal Online flag 2
Frands CoraIie Mullin v The Administrator, Union Territory of Delhi [1981] AIR SC 746 Supreme Court of India India circa 1981 flag 1
R D, Shery v International Airport Authority [1979] AIR SC 1628 Supreme Court of India India circa 1979 flag 3
Maneka Gandhi v Union of India [1978] AIR SC 597 Supreme Court of India India circa 1978 flag 6
(1971) 996 Unts 245 (1971) 996 UNTS 245 International circa 1971 flag 36
2 SCC 431 2 SCC 431 circa 1992 5
2 SCC 267 2 SCC 267 circa 1992 4
1 Indian Bar Review 122 1 Indian Bar Review 122 Indian Bar Review India circa 1992 flag 1

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