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"The Conflict of Law-Making Treaties"   flag  9

(1953) 30 British Yearbook of International Law 401
C Wilfred Jenks
British Yearbook of International Law
United Kingdom

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
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"Applicable Law in TPP Investment Disputes" (2016) 17 Melbourne Journal of International Law 349 Hepburn, Jarrod Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag 1
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" [2005] NZYbkIntLaw 17 Myers, B New Zealand circa 2005 NZLII flag
"Treaty Interpretation: The Vienna Convention Code as Applied by the World Trade Organization Judiciary" (1999) 20 Australian Year Book of International Law 319 White, Gillian Australia circa 1999 AustLII flag

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