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Lord Justice Davy in Harris v Beauchamp   flag  1

(1894) 63 LJQB 480
Law Journal Reports, Queen's Bench New Series
"The only alternative is to hold that each of the numerous County Court Judges has a free hand to do as he pleases But this would lead to chaos; the difficulty of exercising such a jurisdiction without any rules to guide the Judge is very great, and I cannot bring myself to hold that the Act intended new trials to depend on the idiosyncrasy of each individual, unguided and unfettered by any principle or rule, and so to inaugurate a system really open to the reproach unjustifiably brought against equity by Seldon, that it depended on the measure of each Chancellor's foot So, too
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Dayabhai v Bhai [1954] FJLawRp 6 [1946-1955] 4 FLR 127 Australia 7 Apr 1954 PacLII flag 2

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