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Clarke v Coughlan [1841] IELawRpCL 42   flag  1

(1840-1841) 3 ILR 427
Republic of Ireland
30th January, 1841

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Olympic Corporation Ltd v Orcatory Road Properties Ltd CA111/89 [1989] NZCA 350; [1990] 2 NZLR 519; (1989) 1 NZ Conv C 190,265; [1990] ANZ Conv R 102 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 20 Oct 1989 NZLII flag 5

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Doe on the demise of the Rev Thomas Morgan, Clerk, v John Morgan [1827] EngR 449; 108 ER 540; (1827) 6 B & C 512 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1827 CommonLII flag 3
Denn, on the several demises of Ann Goodwin, and George Wragg, and Ann his Wife, v Spray [1786] EngR 218; 1 TR 466; 99 ER 1201 United Kingdom circa 1786 CommonLII flag 9
427 HT 1841 427 HT 1841 Iceland flag 1
7 Co Rep 28 7 Co Rep 28 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 4
5 BC 589 5 BC 589 Australia - New South Wales flag 1
Frost v Bolland 5 B & C 612 Kings Bench United Kingdom flag 5
3 Salk 118 3 Salk 118 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 20
2 Saund 237 2 Saund 237 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
1 Lev 22 1 Lev 22 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 8
1 Car & M 644 1 Car & M 644 United Kingdom flag 5
1 Bing NC 25 1 Bing NC 25 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 1

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